Parish in front of church

The Woman’s Missionary Society

List of Firsts

First Baptisms
Cordelia Ann Salter and Ann Cora Cornwall, infant granddaughters of Dr. and Mrs. Salter, were baptized on May 5, 1925 in the Salter home.

First Building
Described as a tabernacle, a chapel with a roof and floor, was completed in June 1925.

First Board of Stewards
The first Board of Stewards were: Frank O’Neal, chairman; R.E. Andoe, Treasurer; C.J. Cofer, G. W. Cooley, Sr., James L. Respess, Sr.

First Board of Trustees
The first Board of Trustees were: G.W. Cooley, Sr., Chairman; E.B. Adams, Ex-Governor Hugh Dorsey, Dr. M.T. Salter and James L. Respess, Sr.

The Sunday School
Rev. E.H. Wood served as acting Sunday School Superintendent. Mrs. C. J. Cofer organized the Sunday School with 45 attending on June 7, 1925. 

First Church School Secretary
Mr. Fay Boland served from 1925 until 1927. C.J. Cofer then held the position until 1953.

Women’s Missionary Society
On June 24, 1925, Mrs. Virlyn Moore, Secretary of the Atlanta District Woman’s Missionary Society, organized the Society for Peachtree Road in the home of Mrs. R.E. Andoe who lived at 3218 West Shadowlawn. Seventeen women attended. Mrs. M.D. Jamerson was elected first President.

Church Music 
From the founding until September 1925 Mrs. C.J. Cofer played the piano at all services.  In October, 1925, Miss Leona Wood and Mrs. C.H. Wetmore were named pianists. On December 1, 1925, Miss Leona Wood was appointed Choir Director.

First Wedding
Five years would pass before the first wedding would be held. Revered T. H. Shackleford performed the marriage ceremony of Miss Jo Beth Apperson and Mr. Walter M. Garrard.