Sunday School in the Early Years

Sunday School at Peachtree Road United Methodist Church

Today, our church has over 70 rooms suitable for Sunday School classes serving every age group from infants to centenarians.  A hundred years ago, there was nothing.  Nothing except the desire to provide a Methodist worship experience to a blossoming part of our city, to worship our Savior together, and to be part of a community of believers.

List of Firsts

Parish in front of church

The Woman’s Missionary Society First BaptismsCordelia Ann Salter and Ann Cora Cornwall, infant granddaughters of Dr. and Mrs. Salter, were baptized on May 5, 1925 in the Salter home. First BuildingDescribed as a tabernacle, a chapel with a roof and floor, was completed in June 1925. First Board of StewardsThe first Board of Stewards were: … Read more

The Light On Peachtree

Steeple of Peachtree Road United Methodist Church

by Betty Lee Kennedy It was late March in 1949. Peachtree Road United Methodist Church was about to install a steeple with a lighted cross, the crowning glory on the newly constructed sanctuary. My father-in-law, Clyde M. Kennedy, Jr., was Chairman of the Building Committee, and he was thrilled to be watching the final steps … Read more

Opening the Storybook

Eve Respess and Marcia Gaddis discuss the beginnings of the Peachtree Road Storybook project and the privilege and process of collecting 100 years of stories at PRUMC.

Eve Respess and Marcia Gaddis discuss the beginnings of the Peachtree Road Storybook project and the privilege and process of collecting 100 years of stories at PRUMC.

Our Story

Choir loft of Peachtree Road United Methodist Church

Sitting in the choir loft one Sunday I was mesmerized by the sunlight shining through the stained-glass windows. An artist’s pallet of colors — blues, greens, reds, and yellows illuminating various congregation members.